In January of 2018, I learned through the guidance of my therapist that I developed a preoccupied insecure attachment during my childhood. A new understanding of who I am and why I react the way I do in many situations. With my therapist's guidance, I was able to begin the work on gaining a secure attachment, and within 4 months gained the strength needed in order to quit my job working for the family business and travel to SE Asia for six weeks in order to discover life with a different perspective, outside of the daily motions I lived in back at home.
​Looking for a career change, I attended a baking program in England in 2021-2022. While learning the ins and outs of artisanal baking, both breads and pattisserie/ viennoiserie, I also continued developing with the new mindset I was building with self love at my foundation. From both trips I have learned how important it is for me to leave all of the comfort I know at home, to authentically learn about who I am as an individual versus the person I was molded into based on external validation.
For the curious, the blogs below will take you through that journey and what was going on in my head. As much as the sights and socializing was something I was looking forward to, the mental challenges and therefore development which was intertwined was the purpose of the trip. To keep gaining security in a world I unfortunately grew up to fear.